Tuesday 21 November 2017

What's the deal about Christmas?

No, I'm not a Grinch. That's not what this article's about.
But what is it with Christmas, that makes some people pout? 
It is a time to be filled with love, goodwill and cheer.
But all around me, lots of moaning is what I hear. 

It is far too soon to decorate your room,
Never you mind that it banishes the gloom. 
Nothing should be done until late December.
And it should be about Jesus, remember. 

Christmas songs are being played in shops,
Even in the butchers. I just want chops! 
We'll be sick of it by the time the day is here. 
Never mind, we'll have the same argument next year. 

Tee hee. Like my little Ode to a Christmas Cynic?
Every year we have the same moaning and whinging from some, whilst others are over excited, and have the tree up by the end of November.
The shops put their Christmas adverts out nice and early. Well, they've spent a fortune trying to lure us in; they want to get their money's worth.
"It's over commercialised," I hear some say. And yes, it is in a way.

My step children are both in their teens. There is no Father Christmas, and no magic for him to bring.
They're not even overly bothered by presents, and barely glance up from their devices as family gather around.
I had been wondering why I even bother with the big festive feast. I cook turkey with all the trimmings every year. I really like doing it, but it gets stressful, and hubby doesn't overly like turkey.
I tried goose one year, but it was considerably more expensive, and only hubby appreciated it.

But, without the turkey, pigs in blankets, bread sauce (made with brioche), cranberry sauce etc. we don't really have anything. At this stage of our lives the meal IS our Christmas. That's a bid sad, isn't it?

(this is what I look like in my head, but in reality I'm more off a half drunk sweaty mess)

We're not Christians. Not that many among our acquaintance are either. Those of our friends who get the most excited are actually the least religious. Odd!
So, we don't have church to attend, or Jesus to cherish.

It could be argued it's not really a Christian festival. There are those who would point out that Jesus was born some time around April. But it's celebrated on December 25th as it covered up the pagan festival of Yule.

Now Yule is definitely something I can get into.
You may have noticed, I'm part witch. But even without that, I love what Yule represents.
It celebrates the return of the light. The Winter Solstice marks the shortest day just before Christmas Day.
It brings hope that days will now start to become longer again. And spring isn't too far away.

I get SAD. My mood plummets around this time of year (hence this article).
I really struggle, and just want to hibernate like a little bear until crocuses start to emerge.
Regrettably, I'm human. Humans must carry on.

So, I decorate my tree at the start of December. I worked out it's better environmentally to buy a plastic one and re-use it for many years. No needle drop either ;-) So, I can feasibly decorate it, and bring some much needed, beloved light into my home.
This also serves as a memory jog, a nudge to get out and buy the few presents I need to buy.

Incidentally, a few years back I put a spending limit on presents. Bless him, hubby became over enthusiastic. This was lovely, and I got very spoiled, but I'm crap at buying presents, so it actually made me feel bad.
This year I've asked him to sponsor a girl for me. I've seen adverts on TV about it. The poor girls in other countries who are dragged out of school and forced into marriage at a ridiculously young age, where all kinds of horrors await.
I have all I need. They clearly do not. If I can help even one of them, is this not a better gift? To give someone a life is surely a wonderful thing.

Anyway, I'm getting off track.
Whether you are already sitting amongst piles of wrapped presents, more excited than a kid in a sweet shop.
Or whether you're sat with your 'bah humbug' hat on, scowling.
Or even if you're crying because it reminds you of a loved one who's no longer here, and celebrating is the last thing you feel like doing.
That's OK.

Christmas is a deeply personal thing.
It means something different to each one of us.
I'm not going to judge you. Just as I ask you not to judge me.

Celebrate in your own sodding way, and stop worrying about what others are doing!
Stop having the same argument every year. We're allowed our own opinion.

Please remember that every religion will teach you a fundamental truth:
Love is the way. Hold compassion in your heart.

So, whatever and however you're celebrating...
I wish you love & light. 
And to all a goodnight.

Psst...this would make a great stocking filler for adults:

Always in love and light,

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